Panda provides the following utilities or style properties for styling background colors, gradients, and images.
Background Colors
<div className={css({ bg: 'red.200' })} />
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
bg , background | background | colors |
bgColor , backgroundColor | background-color | colors |
bgGradient | background-image | gradients |
Background Gradients
Properties to create a background gradient based on color stops.
bgGradient: 'to-r',
gradientFrom: 'red.200',
gradientTo: 'blue.200'
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
bgGradient | background-image | gradients |
gradientFrom | --gradient-from | colors |
gradientTo | --gradient-to | colors |
gradientVia | --gradient-via | colors |
Background Position
Properties for controlling the src and position of a background image.
bgImage: 'url(/images/bg.jpg)',
bgPosition: 'center'
Prop | CSS Property | Token Category |
bgPosition , backgroundPosition | background-image | none |
bgSize , backgroundSize | background-size | none |
bgAttachment ,backgroundAttachment | background-size | none |
bgOrigin , backgroundOrigin | background-size | none |
bgClip , backgroundClip | background-size | none |
bgImage , backgroundImage | background-size | assets |
bgRepeat , backgroundRepeat | background-repeat | none |